From Anxiety to CTA

An e-book to help you pass written CTA examination

A layperson's guide to successfully completing the written examination for Certification in Transactional analysis (CTA-P)


From Anxiety to CTA

An e-book to help you pass written CTA examination

A layperson's guide to successfully completing the written examination for Certification in Transactional analysis (CTA-P)


This e-book offers a friendly support and encouragement to the CTA candidates preparing for Certification in Transactional Analysis in the field of Psychotherapy. The main purpose of the book is to empower your competent self and dissolve the fears about not being good enough therapist. It includes many suggestions, examples and detailed information that will help you accomplish your CTA goal.

Read the book reviews in EATA Newsletter (June 2018, p. 22-23) and SAATA Newsletter (April 2018, p. 16). Already sold to 20 countries all around the world, From Anxiety to CTA helps candidates get motivated and start writing.

Charlotte Sills, UK

TSTA, UKCP registered psychotherapist and BACP senior accredited supervisor

This little ebook describes itself as a “guide” to the CTA written examination. However, I think that many candidates will experience it as a friend.

Lynn Martin, UK

CTA, Certified Integrative Trainer Supervisor

I think that this book should be the ‘go to’ companion for everyone who is writing their CTA exam. With the help and encouragement within these pages I believe that the percentage of TA students who actually complete the written exam and go on to qualify will increase dramatically.

Dr. Gregor Žvelc, Slovenia

TSTA, IPSA Institute, Slovenia

Beautifully written and fun to read. Excellent source for all the candidates for CTA exam!

Aruna Gopakumar, India


Having gone through the CTA exam recently myself, I resonate with its contents. If I had had this with me before my CTA, it would have provided me with a structure that would have saved me enormous stress. The ones who have it right at the start will be luckier!

Alenka Sommensary, Slovenia

CTA candidate

Already in the introduction I could identify myself with the author, with all those fears, so it’s even more valuable knowing that she passed the exam. I decided on page 27 to start writing! The chapter on how to take the time is priceless!

Maja Koren Kocjančlič, Slovenia

CTA candidate

Inspiring and encouraging! Amazing book where Karolina, in a very nurturing way, shares specific guidelines on the path towards our “big goal”, and presents this path at the process of learning and personal growth.

What’s in the book

This book is designed to provide guidance on completing the written part of the CTA examination. It is intended primarily for those of you who are undertaking the  CTA written exam in psychotherapy, although it will also be of help to those undertaking the exam in other TA fields of application and indeed probably anyone faced with submitting a similar written paper.

Chapter 1

Roll Up Your Sleeves

In the first chapter you will start preparing for what will be a personally and professionally enriching journey. You will see what you need to take with you on the journey and how to help yourselves with different tools.

Perhaps the most important part of the first chapter will be learning that, just as sometimes the journey is more important than the final destination, the process of writing the examination is in itself an important part of the process of learning and maturing.

Chapter 2

Fight Your Own Script

This chapter is useful for anyone confronted with a demanding project that requires substantial time and discipline, whether it is a college diploma, a master’s thesis or a doctorate. The principles of how to motivate oneself and act are similar, no matter what challenge we are facing.

The subjects covered in this chapter include:
– how to find time and how to make the best use of the time available
– how to fight procrastination and perfectionism
– how to say no and how to ask for help

“This book is full of down to earth, common sense guidance on simple steps to take that will help to start to shift the inertia that is keeping you stuck” 

(from EATA Newsletter’s Book Review by Lynn Martin, CTA and Certified Integrative Trainer Supervisor)

Chapter 3

Step by Step Guidance Through All Four Sections

When I say step by step, it means I will carefully guide you through all four Sections set by the Handbook. Here you will get an explanation of what to include in the written examination and what not to include. Everything you need to know is explained:
– from TA diagnosis to DSM 5
– from contracting to treatment plan
– a special focus is put on the most important part of the case study: the psychotherapy process
– the reflections on the Section D by dr. Keith Tudor, TSTA will undoubtedly make it easier for you to choose and answer the specific questions

“It is the third chapter that is the heart of the book and that I see as the most valuable part. It provides step-by-step, comprehensive guidance through all the four sections of the written exam.”

(from SAATA Newsletter’s Book Review by Aruna Gopakumar, PTSTA-P)

Chapter 4

Writing Like a True Professional

Nobody likes it, but it needs to be done properly. But with many clear examples you won’t get lost in the forest of specific rules.

This part will also benefit anyone writing academic papers or scientific articles in the psychology field.


About the authors

Karolina Jovanoska


Karolina Jovanoska, BA in Cultural Studies, is a Certified Transactional Analyst (CTA-P) since 2015, so she has fresh memories on her certification process.

Besides TA, she is educated in Integrative Psychotherapy, Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, EMDR, Brainspotting and other approaches. For the past 10 years she works in private practice with individuals and couples.

In addition to therapy, she enjoys giving lectures, writing, and helping young therapists to start their own practices and acquire certificates.

Keith Tudor

Guest Author

Professor of Psychotherapy at Auckland University of Technology, where he is currently the Head of the School of Public Health & Psychosocial Studies.

He has been involved in Transactional analysis for 30 years and has written extensively about it. Keith has edited/wrote more than 250 publications and seen many candidates through their CTA exam.

He runs an indpendent practice in West Auckland, Aoteaora New Zealand, offering mainly supervision and exam preparation.

How to order


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After the payment is received you will receive the e-book in two formats via e-mail:

  • as a pdf file to download on your computer and
  • as a catalogue where you can turn the pages and read it online.

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